What is 6G Index?
The 6G Index is a prosperity meter to measure the richness of any neighborhood / region / society or nation.
The right measure of richness of any neighbourhood / region / society or nation should not be the out dated “#GDP” but
6G Index
6G Index, is the measure of, growth of prosperity & personal grace of an individual / region / society or nation.
This is also the demonstrator-index of the inequality, of the distribution, of the income of it's residents; in a society/region or nation.
If in the evening, most of the rakes show emptiness; then the 6G index of that region/society or nation is moving towards zero.
While not only in our neighborhood, but far and wide from us; near every intersection; both in the morning and in the evening; everywhere these racks, looks full. Then we can understand that, the 6G index of that region/society or nation is closer towards the hundred.
When the 6G Index of an entity like: neighborhood, society, town, state and the nation is 100; we know that entity is wealthy